You will be aware of the excellent news that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization’s (JCVI) are currently rolling out their vaccination programme nationally. They are now progressing access to this for ‘Frontline health and social care workers’ which will help protect you against the COVID-19 disease.
In order to support the national vaccination programme, Local authorities are working with the NHS to provide information on care homes and the health and social care workforce. In some cases it may be necessary for us to provide your details with the local authority securely and lawfully in line with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.
The relevant staff will then be contacted by the NHS when they can voluntarily attend a local NHS Vaccination Centre to receive a Covid-19 vaccination.
Vaccination will be on a voluntary basis. You will be required to complete a consent form prior to receiving the vaccination.
Once details of the invite are received, please follow the instructions carefully as you may be required to provide some ID at your appointment.
Appointments should, as far as reasonably practicable, be made outside of your normal hours of work or with the minimum disruption to the working day. Any time off required for vaccinations must be authorised by the line manager in advance in line with the Service’s policy on attending medical appointments included in BOCS Attendance Management Handbook.
Further information:
Please seek medical advice from your GP before you book your appointment if you have known allergies or previous anaphylaxis problems, are pregnant or think you may be pregnant and/or have any general concerns about having the vaccine.
Please do not book your appointment if you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 4 weeks.
Further information can be accessed via the links below:
Protection for Healthcare Workers:
Why Vaccination is Safe and Important: