Over the last few months registered provider Liz Keeble has been delivering a range of holistic therapy treatments for all staff across our services through our popular Wellbeing Wednesdays and Time for You events. Treatments such as aromatherapy massage, Reiki and Reflexology at Lisieux Hall, Thingwall Hall and Standard House where all highly received and Liz was given some great feedback such as, ‘very soothing and relaxing’ and ‘I was made to feel very comfortable and Liz was happy to answer any questions I have around the head massage’.
The outcome of the sessions is to provide a level of care in order to enhance the wellbeing of our staff who have worked tirelessly to support the service through what has been a very challenging time over the past year due to Covid.
Another service Liz offers is relaxation sessions for our clients via Zoom. These sessions involve Liz teaching the Rainbow Relaxation Routine- this is a routine based on reflexology. Liz says ‘over the week it has been lovely to see the clients absorb all the information they are given and apply the techniques themselves. One client also has a one to one relaxation with Liz over the phone and now assists her in delivering the Rainbow Relaxation Routine on Zoom. Our client’s confidence has increased massively through this process and she is championing the routine by relaying it to her friends. This is truly a testament to her determination as she is partially sighted, so detailed description is key.’
Our fabulous team at SelectionBOCS have produced a video of Liz demonstrating the Rainbow Routine, along with a meditation sound track recorded with Liz’s voice over and relaxing music. Keep an eye out this will be posted!
Moving forward Liz intends to offer healthy eating sessions via Zoom following the Eat Well Plate and the Rainbow routine showing the colours of the rainbow through food.
If you are interested in taking some time out of your work day to enjoy a free relaxing holistic therapy treatment, please contact Liz on liz.keeble@caritase.org.uk with your preferred date and time and Liz will endeavour to allocate a time best for you. Be quick as spaces do fill up quickly.
Regional Activity Day based at The Resource Centre in Merseyside
During the event, Liz showed staff the Rainbow Relaxation Routine and demonstrated how staff would deliver the relaxing treatment to the people we support. Some of our clients were able to follow the routine and apply it to themselves- this is very empowering for them and they done a brilliant job, of course.
Our clients really enjoyed receiving the routine as they became visibly relaxed and one service user used communication where this had not previously been observed.
Further session will reinforce the learning and the positive outcomes experienced by both support staff and people we support. Relaxation combined with a person’s intent to care for another person can help to reduce cortisol levels and through this improve cognitive function.
Carefully selected essential oils were used on cloths or in once case on a client’s doll to allow infusion into the air. Several clients seemed to really enjoy this application- one said she liked it a lot and another gave a very big smile!
Liz also provided staff with samples of lavender as a thank you for all their continued support and for offering such a warm welcome. A staff member has said ‘everyone really enjoyed the day and Liz has shown us some fantastic techniques that staff will take away and continue to deliver to the people we support- thank you Liz’.