John, Steven and Arthur Keep Busy with New Hobbies

The people we support and staff from our Greater Manchester Services have been making the most of their time indoors by taking up some new hobbies and having a spring clean!

Adelle, a senior support worker for our Greater Manchester Services, has been encouraging the people we support to find new ways to relax whilst being at home.

With support from Adelle, John has been very creative and has made his own easel out of a cardboard box to help him with his art work. He also recycled some cardboard tubes to make paint brush holders. Well done John this is an excellent idea and a great way of recycling.

Steven has also been inspired to get creative by Adelle and bought an art set to start on his own masterpiece. We look forward to see his piece of art soon!

As well as relaxing through art, the people we support have also turned to cleaning to keep busy.

Arthur is making the most of being inside by taking some time to do a deep clean of his house. His support worker, Derren, gave him some cleaning tasks and Arthur did a fantastic job at completing all of them.

It’s great to see the people we support taking the opportunity to try something new, keeping positive and looking after their mental wellbeing while staying safe at home.

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