John and Keith’s Winter Walk in Ashworth Valley

John, one of the people we support who’s a keen walker, and Keith, a support worker from our Greater Manchester services, recently went on a snowy hike in Ashworth Valley.

After a full English breakfast at Sam’s Café, they headed off on their 3.5 mile walk. They both wrapped up warm to face the elements, and with a full belly they headed out in to the wintry fresh air. By going for a walk, Keith and John were able to enjoy the cold but beautiful weather as well as some amazing scenery.

Since their visit to Ashworth Valley, they have also walked up Holcombe Hill in Bury in the snow. John really enjoys his walks and has said one day he would like to climb Snowdon in Wales!

Being outdoors and going for walks provides countless health benefits, from lowering stress, lifting moods and helping the heart. It’s a great low-risk exercise that the people we support and staff can enjoy together.

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