We have had lots of lockdown birthdays happening across our services recently. The people we support may not be able to celebrate exactly how they wish, but this hasn’t stopped our staff teams giving them a magical day.
Here is David from our Merseyside Services celebrating his birthday, with the biggest chocolate cake ever! Happy birthday David, we hope you had the best day.

Susan from our Merseyside Services had a lovely time celebrating her birthday, with a party kindly organised by her staff team. Happy birthday Susan.

Bernie, from our Lancashire Services, recently celebrated his 60th birthday- it was a day full of surprises with staff and friends. Due to being in lockdown, Bernie sadly couldn’t be with his loved ones, but with a surprise Zoom session arranged by his family, this made sure everyone could celebrate Bernie’s big day together. In the words of Bernie he had ‘an amazing day’. Happy 60th Birthday Bernie.

What a great day Peter had making the most of his lockdown birthday, opening lots of presents of his family and friends. Happy birthday Peter!

Alison, from our Lancashire Services, recently celebrated her 47th birthday. Alison’s mum kindly sent over some wonderful balloons and gifts through the post which was a huge surprise. Everyone tucked into a buffet, topped off with some birthday cake, then danced the afternoon away with their favourite party music.

Have you had a special birthday or any other celebration lately? If so, please send in your photos to marketing@brothersofcharity.org.uk.