Our Greater Manchester Services are having more fun than ever. Everyone is happy to see the return of our coffee mornings and with more places starting to reopen, our clients and staff are getting out to explore again. Which we love to see!
This might not have been the Coffee Morning we’re used to but this didn’t stop our Greater Manchester Services having fun, catching up with each other whilst tucking into a hot drink and a slice of cake. It was smiles all round and they already can’t wait for the next one!

Anthony, along with his support worker Derren, enjoyed a trip out to Bury Market this week, the home of the famous Black Pudding. Anthony even managed to pick a few bargains along the way.

Janet and her support worker have been busy making some arts and crafts together. They decorated a small wooden box with paint and gems, and inside the box holds a little message in a bottle. Janet is going to leave a little message of her own and give this to someone as a gift. What a lovely idea, that really has come from the heart.

James, has always had a strong passion when it comes to photography and has recently completed a photography course. James and his support worker took a trip to Abney Hall, where he put his new skills into practice and took some amazing photos along the way. Well done James, we think you’ve done a great job.