Voice for All – Love, Sex and Relationships

13/01/17 |


Voice for All is very excited! We will soon be launching our latest ‘easy read’ publication entitled ‘Love, Sex and Relationships’ and we can’t wait!

Last year, together with our friends and colleagues from Merseyside, we wrote a brand new Sex and Relationships Policy for the Brothers of Charity Services, England. This is a National Policy for all our Services across the country.
The policy is very much aimed at our support staff to help them whenever they are supporting us with our friendships and relationships. But to accompany and compliment this policy we wanted to write an ‘easy read’ version of the policy and produce some clear guidelines and information.

‘Love, Sex and Relationships’ is an easy read Sex and Relationships policy for people using the Brothers of Charity Services in England. It is also for our support staff to help them in best supporting us with our relationships and to help us to stay safe and keep healthy.

Both ‘Love’ and ‘Relationships’ are core values of the Brothers of Charity Services. This means they are very important to them, and they are very important to us.
We believe we all need ‘Love’ and ‘Relationships’ in our lives in order to live a full and valued life. The right for people with a learning disability to practice and enjoy personal and sexual relationships, if that is their choice, is positively supported by the Brothers of Charity Services and this policy and booklet will help us and all our support staff to uphold and protect these rights.

Even before the booklet is publically launched, we have already had some fantastic feedback and many compliments from lots of our colleagues and partners, not only in Lancashire, but from across the whole North West, for producing such a much needed policy and booklet.

We are very pleased and proud of what we have achieved and we look forward to sharing this with you all. We are hoping to launch the booklet around ‘Valentine’s Day’!!!