Throughout June, our fabulous Creative Arts team have been working on a collaborative project. They have been creating some wonderful artwork out of recycled materials to raise awareness of the environment and plastic pollution in our oceans, in honour of World Environment Day and World Ocean Day. Here is some of the wonderful artwork the team have produced. Now this is what we call talent!

As part of our World Environment and World Oceans project, Stephen has created these amazing Starfish from recycled materials. Stephen was so happy with the finished product he wanted to show them off for everyone to see. Well done Stephen!
Lee, James and Craig have been making the most of the nice weather getting creative with some outdoor artwork. They have been making artistic changes to our environment as part of their project. Keep up the great work guys.

We are loving having our team back together doing what they do best. This seahorse was created from recycled glass beads and paper plates by our fabulous team member James. All on a recycled canvas too! Well done James.

Our team member Bill has been busy creating these wonderful puffer fish paintings as part of our June project. Don’t they look amazing?

The lovely Nancy and Sheila from Network 50 have painted these fabulous fish to mark World Oceans Day. Well done ladies!

Keep an eye out for Creative Arts July project… we wonder what it could be next time.