28th November

St Joseph's, Harpers Lane, Chorley

Voice for All’s Annual General Meeting and Party

You are invited to come to the Voice for All AGM (Annual General Meeting) and Party Night on Tuesday 28th November 2017 at St Joseph’s Club, Harpers Lane, Chorley PR6 0HR.

The evening starts at 7pm when Voice for All will be giving an easy read presentation including the ‘Chairs Report’ and ‘Finance Report’.

We will be sharing all our news from 2017 including our many achievements, challenges, successes and celebrations!

We will also be having our annual election of committee members.

The formal meeting will last just over an hour and then the fun begins!

Following the AGM we will be having a celebration and party with live music and entertainment, delicious hot pot supper, disco, bar and raffle.

The evening will finish at 10pm.

Please kindly confirm and let us know if you are able to attend.

For further details and information please contact Voice for All or John Whitehead c/o Lisieux Hall.

We hope you are able to come along and join us in our Celebrations!