The people we support and staff across our services have been enjoying that extra bit of freedom lately with lots of trips out exploring and fun activities. It is great to see everyone back out having fun with big smiles on their faces.
Simon and his dad have been enjoying some time together planting trees in the garden, with the hope of expecting some fresh apples to pick for everyone within the year. Simon loved taking control and deciding the location of where the tree will be planted. We look forward to seeing the end results.

Ken form our Merseyside Services recently his birthday and enjoyed a great party with all his friends and staff team. Ken can’t wait to treat himself to something nice with his birthday money. Happy Birthday Ken.

Paul and his support Lyndsay have been busy baking a cake for all their friends to tuck into and enjoy. Well done guys you have done a great job- it looks delicious!

Here is Paul and Tara in good spirits having a dance together to some of their favourite music. Seeing this has really brightened up our day what about you?

Mark from our Greater Manchester Services recently enjoyed a lovely day out with this support worker Kelly to the local shopping centre. They even managed to stop for an ice cream and take in the sunny weather.

Here is the lovely Christine from our Merseyside Services enjoying some arts and crafts to celebrate Earth Day. Christine absolutely loved seeing her work around our Resource Centre for everyone to admire. Well done Christine!

What a wonderful trip Stephen and Mary from our Day Services had to Southport along with their support worker Mel. With Covid-19 restrictions being lifted, the people we support are loving being able to get out and explore again.

The people we support have been making the most of the glorious weather lately. Here is Nekita enjoying a slush on her day out in the sunshine. Everyone had a lovely day and enjoyed some lunch outside in the sun.

As you can tell by this beautiful smile on from Paula she is extremely happy about the return of our wonderful Day Services. This has certainly brightened up our day what about you?