Our social enterprises are always a huge hit with the people we support across our services. With a wide range of exciting activities on offer, it is great to see everyone having fun whilst learning new skills at the same time.
Our wonderful Creative Arts team have been extra busy this month creating lots of different beautiful creations in a number of ways.
The team took part in this year’s Inktober- a worldwide project whereby you receive a daily prompt and create an ink/pen drawing in response to it. Our team have looked taking part in this and have come up with some brilliant ideas.

Here is Sarah and Lee demonstrating how to sign ‘Happy Halloween’- with some awesome effects!

Kin and James are not only fabulous artists but they are also talented musicians. Here they are showing off their guitar and percussion skills.

During one of their regional sessions, our artists in Merseyside have created their own interpretation of a famous sculpture outside The Tate Art Gallery in Liverpool- which is on display until 2023. Here are our artists displaying their work up and their amazing finished product.

Our team took a trip to our Merseyside Day Services recently for another amazing art workshop. Here are the artists hard at work.

Clare form our Lancashire Services has recently joined the Creative Arts team and has created these beautiful prints of her Guide Dog Racal in her first session. For a beginner we think these are very impressive. Well done Clare, we can’t wait to see what else you get up to.

Here are some of the amazing prints created by Nancy and Cham as part our Seasonal/Halloween project. Our artists love putting their new skills into practice.

As part of our exciting Liverpool Heritage project, the artists at Imageink created some beautiful mixed media pieces inspired by The Beatles. Our artists done a brilliant job at capturing the psychedelic colours and patterns using a range of paints, oil pastels, stencils, pens and collage. Well done guys!

Another amazing piece of artwork from our artists at Imageink. Each letter in the picture represents something that makes Liverpool special. The team came up with, architecture, the football teams, Chinatown, The Tate, Liverpool One and The Beatles. We hope you love seeing what our artists get up to as much as us!

As well as their usual editing and recording, our Digital Team are starting to work on their Christmas animation. With lots of hard work and dedication going into the animation we can’t wait to see how this project progresses over the upcoming months.

Make sure to keep an eye out for more amazing creations from our fabulous artists.