We believe looking after your mental health is more important than ever. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic there has been a dramatic rise in mental health related issues. At the Brothers of Charity Services, our staffs health and wellbeing is a priority and we want all our staff to be aware that there is always someone to talk to and there is always a solution. It’s ok not be to ok and no one is alone.
In light of this we are now offering Mental Health First Aid training to key members of staff and our management team to help them appropriately support staff who may be struggling with their mental health.
On Wednesday 8th September 16 employees attended the Mental Health First Aid training session. The one day course, which consists of a mix of presentations, group discussions and workshop activities, trains the individuals as an MHFA Champion, providing them with the following:
- An understanding of common mental health issues.
- Knowledge and confidence to advocate for mental health awareness.
- Ability to spot signs of mental ill health.
- Skills to support positive wellbeing.
Once the individual has completed the course they are given:
- A manual to refer to whenever they may need.
- A quick reference card for the Mental Health First Aid action plan.
- A workbook including a helpful toolkit to support their own mental health.
- A certificate of attendance to say you are an MHFA Champion.
If you feel you are struggling with your mental health we will do what we can to support you in any way. Speak to your line manager or even a colleague- lets tackle to stigma around mental health together.
A member of staff who attended the session said, ‘I found the MHFA champions’ course very interesting and informative as it teaches staff to recognise employee who may have mental health issues and I believe this course will be particularly useful for line managers in the workplace. The trainer delivered the course professionally and openly and was a great ambassador for mental health. She was very knowledgeable and explained all topics very well. I believe completing this course will help strengthen the mental health culture in the BOC services
From a personal level the course does encourage you to look after your own mental health and encourages you to be mindful of other people’s mental health. I will feel more confident to speak about mental health issues with family members, work colleagues and even people I don’t know after completing the course. I have found the MHFA manual very useful and particularly the ALGEE action plan which helps to you to approach and appropriately support someone in crisis.
Below are some amazing websites you can visit that provide support for anyone finding things difficult.
www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/world-mental-health-day – offer a range of content such as podcasts, videos, inspiring stories and information about getting help if you are struggling.
www.mind.org.uk/get-involved/world-mental-health-day/ – provides a selection of support and services for a range of areas such as Bereavement etc.
https://griefchat.co.uk/about/ – provides a safe space for bereaved people to be able to share their story and be supported at all times.