Spartacus the Chinchilla

19/02/16 |

News, Social Enterprise

Pets Corner would like to welcome Spartacus, he is a four year old “charcoal” colour Chinchilla who has just arrived. Spartacus has been living with a family for the last few years, but unfortunately they can’t devote enough time to him. Pets Corner was approached to see if they could offer a loving home, with lots of cuddles and where he would be handled regularly and become part of the gang.

Chinchillas are crepuscular (most active around dawn and dusk) rodents, slightly larger and more robust than ground squirrels. They are native to the Andes mountains in South America and live in colonies called “herds” in mountainous areas. They are currently listed as critically endangered due to a 90% decline in population in 15 years, caused by Chinchilla hunting by humans.

Chinchillas can live up to 25 years so if anyone is thinking about buying one, they should think about the commitment to them and their specific health and wellbeing needs. They can be very active and love nothing better than a good sand bath! Click here to view the RSPCA’s information about Chinchillas.

If you would like to meet Spartacus and have a cuddle with him, Pets Corner is open from 10.00am – 3.30pm seven days a week. He would be very excited to meet you!