Staff Awards Event

12/07/18 |

News, Staff Awards

After our Heritage Day the Staff Awards took place in the chapel, which was beautifully decorated in corporate colours by our Marketing team. The decorations and preparation put into the event really made it feel special for everyone. The event was opened with a speech from Darron Grundy, CEO of Brothers of Charity, thanking everybody for their hard work and determination.

The awards are an event that gives us all the chance to celebrate everybody’s achievements over the past 12 months and to highlight the hard work that takes place in all areas of the organisation. There were 26 different awards to be given put such as long service and a variety of qualifications; it was amazing to see what others had achieved that we were unaware off.

The long service aware included people who have served in the organisation for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years; 130 people achieved this award. This is a great award to show the dedication people have had towards the Brothers of Charity for such a long time.. We then presented all the qualification awards at Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5; 157 people were awarded with a qualification in all different areas. Finally, we presented Sophie Cummings from our HR department with a certificate congratulating her on achieving a First Class Honours degree in HR. What an amazing achievement!

After all awards were presented, we watched a video about Advocacy, sticking to the theme of the Heritage Day. The video shows individuals who we support such as our self-advocacy group, explaining what it feels like to be listened too and what it feels like not to be listened too; the video was a great way to get the people we support involved and hearing their opinions.

Finally the event ended with a quiz on Kahoot for everybody to get involved with, which really brought out everyone’s competitive side; then a delicious hog roast to end a long, successful day. Thank you to everyone who attended the staff awards it was lovely to see all your achievements and celebrate the Brothers of Charity together!