The Brothers of Charity Services in Lancashire are Driving up Quality

18/03/15 |


On the 18th March our services in Lancashire held a stakeholder event in line with the Driving up Quality code.

Commissioners and providers can sign up to the code and in doing so illustrate their commitment to thinking more deeply about the services and supports they provide. The code also enables organisations to operate in an open and transparent manner by asking their stakeholders what the organisation does well and what things should perhaps change.

Our Lancashire services have already completed a self-assessment based on the 5 headings within the Driving up Quality code along with an interim progress report (which is posted on our website and our Driving up Quality sign up page). The 5 areas include;

· How the support we provide keeps the person as the focus

· How support provided makes sure the person has an ordinary and meaningful life

· How we make sure people are happy and have a good quality of life

· That there is a good culture within our organisation

· The our organisation is led and run well

Present at the event was a mix of people we support, family members, front line staff and managers, BoC volunteers, representatives from Lancashire County Council, a member of the general public who accesses our Network 50+ service and a local provider with whom we work in partnership with.

Some great discussions were held, highlighting excellent examples of best practice operating within our organisation as well as some very valid and searching questions being posed. This was particularly the case when family members asked ‘How do you know what is meaningful and ordinary, and what does that mean anyway?’ and, ‘How do you measure good culture?’

Comments, observations and suggestions from all stakeholders present were recorded and have helped create a clear and specific action plan. To make this an effective action plan progress will be measured using a traffic light system, ensuring those involved in moving the plan forward are held accountable for achieving the targets identified.

The full stakeholder report will shortly be available on our Driving up Quality website page, simply search for the Brothers of Charity Services Lancashire on;

Follow the link to the full ‘Driving up Quality’ report.