Volunteer Get-together Lunch with a Bonfire Night theme!

05/11/14 |

Charity Events

What a great opportunity this was, for myself as the new Volunteer Coordinator, to meet with Brothers of Charity volunteers. People who attended also said they enjoyed chatting with new volunteers as well as their ‘old friends’.

We had a delicious lunch with wonderful bonfire cakes prepared by Rococco; who also made up goody bags for each volunteer with Treacle Toffee, Toffee Apple and Cinder Toffee!

Volunteers completed a quick questionnaire asking about their volunteer opportunities. They were also able to chat together in the different volunteer groups and note down any comments on good things happening, good ideas and identify any agenda items for our next meeting.

We all agreed that getting together in this way is really useful and enjoyable – we are looking forward to our next meeting.

Not sure what the theme will be… Any ideas?

Liz Beaver, Volunteer Coordinator