Supported Living for Complex Healthcare Needs

The Brothers of Charity Services in Lancashire has bespoke in-house teams to support adults and young people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, Mental Health and Complex Behaviours. The Brothers of Charity Services in Lancashire’s Specialist bespoke approach to Supported Living for people with Complex Healthcare Needs provides assisted living support for a number of people in Lancashire with complex needs.

Perpetuating the Brothers of Charity Services’ ethos of ‘the person at the heart of all we do’, our specialist supported living team enables people with complex needs to maintain and build upon their community presence and independence in a way that is meaningful and beneficial to them.

Each person receiving this customised supported living service is allocated their own staff team, who are skilled and experienced in working with people with complex behavioural needs, and also undergo a bespoke training pathway which is tailored to the team to which they have been recruited, as well as the needs of the people they will be supporting.

Supported Living for Complex Healthcare Needs can offer support in the following areas;

  • Transitional pathways from secure / more intensively supported settings
  • Managing tenancy
  • Low-arousal techniques and environments
  • Positive behavioural support
  • Sensory processing
  • Community presence
  • Specific conditions i.e. ASC
  • Personal care

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