‘Step-down’ Services

As an experienced provider of services for adults with complex needs, including those with moderate to severe levels of behaviours which challenge, the Brothers of Charity Services in Lancashire has supported a great number of people to make a successful transition from secure or residential environments to community-based living; this has included supporting people within complex day services from the family home, supported living and complex supported living environments.

We believe a robust transitional or ‘getting to know you’ period is essential particularly when developing services of a ‘step-down’ nature; this is the time when we work with the person supported and all those important to them to enable us to successfully support a gradual reintegration back into community life, in a way and at a pace that works for them.

Within our range of step-down models available, we can offer;

  • Support around routine and consistency
  • Positive behavioural support and physical intervention when strictly necessary
  • Support in relation to decision-making and choice
  • Support to develop or improve daily living skills
  • A number of service models including supported living, specialist supported living and day services.


In addition, we are able to offer accommodation-based options at our Lisieux Hall site in Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley which effectively bridges the gap between secure/residential settings and community-based supported living.