Meet Ruth:
Support worker for the specialist support team for health
My name’s Ruth and I’m a Support Worker on the specialist Support Team for Health.
In this role, I work with people with a range of complex healthcare and support needs, from those with profound physical and learning disabilities to those with long-term and often life-limiting conditions.
Every day in my job is different….which is why I love it! My main duties as a Support Worker involve enabling people to get out and about doing activities they enjoy, tasks around personal care, moving and handling, medication and nutrition, as well as the use of prescribed equipment to promote movement and mobility.
Meet Ian:
Specialist Services Development Lead for people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, mental health needs and challenging behaviour
My name’s Ian and I’m the Specialist Services Development Lead for people with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, mental health needs and challenging behaviour. In this role, I develop new services for adults complex needs, whether this be day services or supported living.
I began my career as a Support Worker and was then promoted to Team Leader before securing my current role and am happy to say that I love working with vulnerable adults just as much as I did when I started with BoC!
As a Support Worker, my role involved supporting people with complex needs in day services, often including people with the potential to be verbally and physically aggressive, to take part in activities that they enjoy both in the community and within our low arousal centre at Lisieux.