Voice For All Throw Leaving Party for John

12/03/18 |

News, Voice For All

Voice for All, the Brothers of Charity Services Lancashire’s self advocacy group recently threw a leaving party for John Whitehead, who after working for the Brothers of Charity Services for over 30 years has taken well deserved retirement.

John started the BOCS Lancashire Self Advocacy Group, Voice For All he was working as a Service manager at the Brothers of Charity Services 8 years ago and has worked with Voice for All as a full time job for the last 4 years enabling him to develop the group and raise its profile across the Brothers of Charity Services, and the North West of England.

One for Voice for All’s main achievements while being supported by John is writing the BOCS Love, Sex and Relationships Policy with Voice for All and later creating an easy read version. He also supported members of Voice For All to become trainers in love, sex ans relationships and really raise awareness throughout the organisation and the country about the importance of love for people with learning disabilities, as it is often been dismissed and not really spoken about.

Voice for All and John’s tireless work in the area has led to Brothers of Charity getting the best supporting organisation award. They help set up the first leaning disability LGBT group in Lancashire that has really helped a lot of people.

John will be missed by his colleagues and the people he supported while at the Brothers of Charity Services. Bob Clare, a volunteer who supported Voice for All wrote a tribute to John, which can be foundĀ here.

Voice for All would also like to give John their appreciation again for the work he supported them with, they said: “Thank you for everything we will miss you from everyone at Voice for All”.

Daniel Hall has now taken the reigns for supporting Voice for All and the Brothers of Charity self-advocacy groups throughout the English Services, to continue John’s great work to raise the group’s profile and enable everybody to have a voice both within the organisation and the wider community.