Our vision
For each individual to realise their full potential as a valued and equal citizen in the community.
Our mission statement
With the person at the heart of all we do, we provide a wide range of enabling support services to people with learning disabilities, and others at risk of being marginalised, which promotes their dignity, individuality, inclusion and the fulfilment of their potential.
Our values
Positive Relationships
- Our primary relationship is with the person we support.
- We encourage people to value and appreciate each other.
- We promote partnerships between the individuals we support, families, local community groups, commissioners and other agencies.
- We value the contribution families, friends and colleagues make to our services.
- We want each person to have a sense of belonging and feel part of their community.
- We believe in open, honest and clear communication.
- We value each person’s dignity, individuality and life experience.
- We recognise each person’s spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs.
- We support individuals to make informed choices and determine their own lives.
- We recognise each individual’s potential and support people to develop skills which are important to them.
- We work alongside the people we support and are accountable to them.
Equal citizenship
- Inclusion underlines all aspects of our work.
- We promote people’s rights and support them to fulfil their responsibilities.
- We support individuals to live real lives in real places.
- We promote celebration in its many forms to provide rich opportunities to build community and bring people together.
Delivering quality
- In our pursuit of a high quality service we seek to be at the forefront of evolving ideas in service development.
- We seek creative responses to people’s needs.
- We want to learn from each person and enable them to influence our services.
- We are committed to ongoing personal and professional development.