As we finally see normality creeping in after such a long time, our Merseyside Services have been making the most of their freedom with lots of adventures and fun activities. Here you can see what everyone has been up to.
How amazing do the people we support at our Merseyside Day Services look at their Harry Potter themed party! Everyone enjoyed getting dressed up, having a dance then ending the day with some cake. What more could you want?

Here are some of our lovely clients enjoying a fun filled day out in Wales recently.

Andrew has found a new hobby and has started to grow some cucumbers in his greenhouse. We can’t wait to show you all what else Andrew grows in the future. Well done Andrew!

Here is Norma taking her new wheelchair out for a spin to B and M. Norma is so happy to finally be out the house again and enjoying a bit of shopping.

Chris and Carol have been enjoying getting out and about lately with a peaceful picnic in the park and a very intense game of bowling.