VoiceBOCS Winter 2015 Edition

21/12/15 |

Health, News

Click here to download the latest VoiceBOCS

A copy of the Winter 2015 edition of VoiceBOCS can be found in the link above with the news and views from Brothers of Charity Services in Lancashire. You can also have your own personal copy sent through by supplying your e-mail address to info@brothersofcharity.org.uk.

Please Note

We shall no longer be routinely sending out copies of the magazine through the post to family and friends of the organisation due to ever increasing postage costs. However, if you do not have a computer and would still like a postal copy please ring our main Reception on 01257 266311 and we will arrange to send you a copy through the post.

Articles for Spring Edition of VoiceBOCS

The closing date for submission of articles for the next edition of VoiceBOCS is Monday 14th March. Please make sure all articles are in digital format and email them to: communications@brothersofcharity.org.uk. If you are including photos in your article, please submit the originals to reception at Lisieux Hall or send digital images as attachments (jpeg or tif files) with your e-mail rather than including them in the text.