Tracy Corns: for always having client’s best interests
Tracey goes above and beyond in her job role as a support worker always has the ladies best interests at Ansdell Drive always works in a person centred way always helps out as much as she can when needed.
Kathy McCarthy: for her innovative approach.
After a review from a from a senior care manager from St Helens Council we were asked if we had any capacity for a potential client, we did not have any suitable at the time for the prospective client but it was mentioned that Shaw Street (one of our 4 bedroom properties) would be the perfect location due to the care and support the clients living there.
Kathy McCarthy, the area co-ordinator took an innovative approach by liaising with appropriate stakeholders including the commissioner and the landlords LHT to arrange for a room in the building to be converted to a 5th bedroom thus going above and beyond her duty to arrange care for the vulnerable adult with complex needs.
Rather than turning the client away due to not having enough space, Kathy went the extra mile and took an innovative approach by creating a unique opportunity to change the life of this individual and his family by making sure the Brothers of Charity Services was able to provide support to him as the room was converted to meet his specific needs.
Higher Road / New Hutte Lane: for best practice in Client Care
Higher Road / New Hutte Lane have been described as unique in the delivery of services, one day they could be supporting individuals with a with a terminal illness, the next day working with very challenging clients, the staff team are always willing to help, they change and adapt shifts to suit the needs of the individuals they may be supporting.